Sunday, August 27, 2006


“The world is but a canvas to the imagination.”
~ Henry David Thoreau ~


Anonymous said...

Beautiful. The soft pastels are soothing.

dawn said...

Thank you. :-)

Curly said...

Wonderful shot, it looks as thought the rocks were purposefully composed for it.

Curly's Photoshop

Randy said...

Just out of curiosity, where was this taken?

dawn said...

photonomad, this was taken at a private home in Flagstaff.

curly, they were purposefully put there. It's an island, in the middle of a homemade pond, that has rocks quarried from an old quarry here in town. The owner brought the stones, one by one, on a single axle trailer, from the quarry in the middle of town to his home. It's quite amazing.

Chris said...

Amazing indeed, seems so natural at first sight !